We are often asked to address a particular chemical spill or some sort of petroleum hydrocarbon release, and typically we proceed with mostly straightforward and well-proven remediation techniques. Occasionally though, we are asked to work on a decommissioned facility such as Camp Parks. On this project we encountered military medical waste, petroleum hydrocarbons, animal carcasses used in Radiation Testing (yes, really), lead concentrations thousands of times above acceptable levels, and other constituents of concern.
Camp Parks
Our Background, Project Management Skills, and Knowledge of Chemical Health Risk and Handling Procedures played a big part in why CEECON was selected as the most qualified environmental contractor to tackle this project.
World War II Medical Containers
In less than four months, CEECON processed and removed over 10,000 cubic yards of impacted soil and debris and then backfilled and compacted excavation areas with clean imported soil to return the site to a safe working environment for the Site Developer. As we handed over the site, the Site Developer unknowingly gave us a wonderful complement - he said that "It looks like you were never here."
We know that results are what count most for our Clients, and we continue to complete projects, close sites from regulatory oversight, and move on to new challenges. Please give us a call or send us an email if you would like to consider a solution from CEECON for your particular situation.
Site 100% Restored!